понедельник, 19 декабря 2016 г.

Travel Time
In the modern time, there are people and people, families and families, and places and places to go. 
Traveling is one of the most inspiring ways to broaden the outlook: new culture, specific traditional cuisine, different people with different lifestyle... It is always the first step - "Where to go?" There are so many fascinating and picturesque places  to visit! Everyone wants to make his trip the best of the best, There is a selection of the most fantastic places on Earth. Worth visiting.
      First of all,our planet is full of unforgettable places! The most important ones are World Heritage Sites, which are located all over the world! These places are not onlu unique, but also are full of inspiration and history. If you are interested in that sphere of culture, here you are: First is located in Agra, India. Agra is a medieval city with the banks of the river Yamuna. It has three Heritage Sites. The most important is Taj Mahal, which is also included in New Seven Wonders. The next two Sites are in Russia: Yaroslavl and Vladimir. Both names of these cities were dedicated to the most powerful Russian Tcars. Yaroslavl has a lot of Orthodox Shrines and monateries located along the banks on the Volga River, also Yaroslavl can lay claim to having the oldest theatre in the Russia. Vladimir has been estabilished in the eary 12th century and was one of the medieval capitals of Russia, it has three Heritage Sites. Bath is a medieval city in England. It became one of the most fashionable placces in England in 18th century, as aristocracy gathered there to enjoy the health benefits of the hot springs.
    Scondly, ever person is so different, and it is wonderful! That's why there are so many places to go: if you're a fan of the silence and complete relax, this is for you; Shangri-La is a place of complete and utter bliss, delight and relaxing peace. If you are an extreme person, Everest is for you! It soars from 10 to near 9000 meters above the sea level. If you are keen on art and culture, worth visiting site for you is Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg.
    The most special place to go is the most risky one - Madagascar is an island in Southern Africa. Its Government separated several National Pars there, and scientists found about 650 new plant species in one of them - the most important- Tsingy Beramaha, and most of them have not been investigated!
     In conclusion, Earth is a National Park, and Heritage Sites and other sights are unque species of plants and animals - these all are important and interesting! Welcome, have a nice trip!

среда, 14 декабря 2016 г.


                                                                                                                                        19 October 2016
         My Dear new Friend ,
I do not know who I am writing to. I do not know who you are. I do not know, but you cannot even imagine how excited I am about that fact, that I'm going to know you, whoever you are!
        Well, first of all, I am going to introduce myself (in case you want to know a little about me).
I am a human (unbelievable!). The name of girl that is texting you right now is Annie. She is probably 16-year-old girl.( I wanted to say that I was 15, but then I realized, that I'm already 16). There are 3 children in my family : me and my two younger sisters( they are so cute!). I study in 10th grade of wonderful school "7 Keys"(that is unnecessary information, but ok). Well, what about hobbies?
         Reading - is the first one. I adore romances by Mark Levi, Jojo Moyes and Secilia Ahern.
I dance hip-hop for a half of my life, but recently I started dancing new style - Vogue. That style of dance is more feminine and really beautiful. I believe, that it is so important to be feminine for every girl! But dancing isn't the only one hobby in my life! I also keen on drawing! Using just two things : your imagination and drawing kit you may create your own, unique world with your very original creatures and characters . Traveling is the most challenging hobby. Why challenging? Because you never know what new things you will face in next country. New unique cultures, traditional special cuisine, new kinds of people, and picturesque corners of the world!  
     Well, that is the main information about me. But now, I want to know: who are you?
Tell me what is your favorite book? What are your hobbies and why did you prefer them to other hobbies? Do you like traveling and what is your favorite country? What flavor of chewing gum do you prefer?
I wanna know you!
Already miss you.
With love,

среда, 26 октября 2016 г.

Cold and wet, I tried to make my way home. "Scary woods. Srange sounds. Then silence. I fell like I'm flying. I do not feel the gravity. I am serene. Empty space is around me. Darkness."
-" POW"...
...I sluggishly opened my eyes and I didn't feel my legs. Collected myself, I turned my head to the sky, hoping to see the it full of stars, but I saw nothing. Black screen. Terrible fear covered all my body and my mind.Ten minets later... I understood that I wasn't sleeping.

The window shutters were slamming

четверг, 20 октября 2016 г.

Food, Health & Safety
      Nowadays, there are people and people, families and families and it is hardly even able to find two people with the same lifestyle and schedule. As one russian proverb says: " You are what you eat."Everybody has his own diet, like eating system. Moreover, if you want to be healthy, your diet should be balanced: it should contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Moreover, healthy diet helps you to keep fit, besides exersising. Roughly speaking, if you eat nothing, you become nothing.
     On the one hand, eating is the main thing of existing. One American girl was completely the best student in her class and a big achiever. But the situation changed when she started preparing for an " GCSE" - the main exam. Sarah refused to eat everything she was offered to. Her mum made her visit a doctor . As a result, the doctor found out that it might be an anorexia nervosa that in 10% leads to death. At least, she spent 2 months in hospital. It is an example of malnutrition that leads to body exhaustion. Moreover, breakfast is the most important meal during the day! Some scientists say that if eating a good breakfast helps you to learn better and work more! Even life is going to be longer in that case! Furthermore, how do you think , where are the oldest of the oldest  people live? Okinawa has its own secret of a long and healthy life. It is because this district is rich with rice, soya, ecologically-friendly meat and fish and herbal green tea. And people there have to be active : they hunt to cook! Fisherman says:" In Okinawa you're a child even in your 70's"! That's why diseases are really rare occasions. This is the second rule - eat healthy! Eat products with a pH : citrus fruits, eggs, milk and enzymes!
    On the other hand, eating is just a part of our lives and it is more important to be physically and mentally healthy. Firstly, look around: mass media is everywhere. The State-Of-The-Art-Technology states :" The more you watch TV and reading yellow press, the more you become stressed and anxious!". Think it over: a small group of people want to make you feel unsafed and disappointed, and you believe them! It is not an "anti-mass-media-post" , but partly it is true. Nowadays people watch the only channels, which shows us other peoples problems, just to understand that their lives are a bit better and calm down for a while. No one wants to look at picturesque Africa and hear a soothing voice, which tells us how many white lions are stay alive in the Brazil. It is one of the psychological problems nowadays. To solve it, some companies made a flexible schedule for their employees, which helps them to work on two jobs, if it is necessary to.
        In conclusion, eating is important everywhere, at any time and for everyone! Eat healthy, do sports, read good books, live a long life!

среда, 12 октября 2016 г.

Opinion essay
     Some people think that extreme sports help them to build character. One proverb says:" A sound mind in a sound body." I suppose that extreme sports help people not just to maintain their body, but also it influences their character and their behaviour.
      First of all, I believe that people who do sport are more concentrated and accurate, than people who do not do sport. Moreover, extreme sports are one of the the most dangerous kinds of sport. It also requires a high preparation: physically and mentally. If you want to improve your skills,  maintain your body and challenge yourself, then extreme sports are probably your cup of tea. But be careful: it might be a problem if you do not have appropriate body. Firstly, you should start yoga or fitness classes to learn how to manage your body, how to concentrate. Although  after learning your body and abilities, you will notice that your behaviour is not the same anymore. Congratulations, you are ready for challenging.
      Secondly, without a doubt, extreme sports can built character and skills. Furthemore, it quickly teaches how to be responsible for your own life, cherish health and living values. These are unbelievably important things in our lives.
     On the other, doing extreme sports is always gambling your life. "Health is above wealth" - no one can refute it. Some can argue that extreme sports don't benefit everyone. Everybody has his wn truth.
       In conclusion, keep on working for yourself, and you will brake every barrier that would block your life. Isn't challenging yourself simply a part of our lives?

среда, 5 октября 2016 г.

Sport and Entertainment

There are families and families, people and people, and it is hardly even able to find two people with the same lifeview and lifestyle That's why there are so many ways to spend your time wisely.
         First of all, sport is a very important part of everyone's life. Sport helps you to keep fit, to be in shape. Cardio sports are also the best way to maintain your health and improve immunity. London Marathon is one of the biggest marathons all over the world, which is also an example of cardio sports - running. This event annualy takes place in London, and the distance between start and finish is 42.2 kilometers! If you want to challenge yourself, dare to take part! Furthemore, if you want to keep shape and do not visit the gym every day, this is for you : Newford Leisure Centre offers an innovating concept to make your coordination skills up ! All UK's top jugglers lead the course!Don't miss it!
          Secondly, if sport is not your cup of tea, there is absolutely different, but not less attractive way of time spending - traveling! The big pluses of visiting new country are: knowing extremely new culture, tasting special traditional cuisine, finding the most comfortable mean of transport - that all is traveling. If you read through your magazine carefully, you may find an advertisment, that probably would be " the chance of a lifetime" and you would be pesuaded by your family to take such a leap into the unknown! New exchanging programme offers you a special opportunity, called " house-swapping". The package deal is the cheapest way to move on. Moreover, it includes underground trip trough the " Chunnel Tunnel". Got intrigued? Go for it! If your variage of countries does not include challenging  England and picturesque France, there is a selection of weird, but exciting means of transport. First: romantic moon-lit evenings, burning sunset, cold Italian sea and you two...Did not guess yet? Gondolas are the special taxi in the special Italian city - Venice. However, sea taxi are only avaliable for wealthy people, who can afford it. Do not? Pedicaps, Russian Troyka Burro Taxi,- up to you!
           Anyway, if you are a homie person, don't miss a new film " Superman Returnes", directed by Bryan  Singer. The story is being continued! Cheap and the most easy way of spending your time...and money.
          In conclusion, there are so many ways to spend time and money wisely! The only one thing you need is to be curios and involved in so amazing opportunity not to waste your time! GO FOR IT!
Picture 1.
Johnathandlimakiano, 32384 y.o. Hi, Earth, it is my first visit to such a weird planet!I am from Niuoplater, I do not eat, I ride my super-hero-coworses, actually, I've bought them on Mars. I am working : doing my own project - catching strange creatures - butterflies.
Picture 2
A little girl, named Molly, was born here, but not actually born. Oh, yes, she was 7 years old.One day she woke up and raised her head to the sky, she was lying right in the air, between the leaves in that tree, trying to understand, who is she? When she tried to stand up, she fell down... SHE IS A TREE. She is a girl. made from green leaves, she flyes, waves hands on the wind and drink water from magic water. GG- Green Girl.
Picture 3
Adam has just came from France, where he has lived for 13 years. His sister - Amy is a 15-year-old girl. They never met from the time they were 4 and 2! Now the family is together, but their parents are still in the open space ( flying between stars and searching a new planet to move), they sent Adam to help his sister on the Earth. She is a young scientist, (searching a way to clean Earth up) and all of her friends came to have a look at the real cosmoboy! It is a WALLY story beginning.
Picture 4
Hero, he is a hero. Greek man killed his fear.Look at the wall- there is blood, fear's blood. But, unfortunatly, he is the last human on the Earth. He does not have anything. He is alone. But he does not have fear. Dranicorns are getting closer to the Earth... What will happen? Will he fight for the empty planet? Will he leave? He will...

среда, 28 сентября 2016 г.

Today is a day. Today is The 28th of September. Today is Wednesday, the middle of  working week. Autumn is getting colder, and I am becoming older every single day. The leaves turn yellow and red. Birds emigrate. Earth gets less and less sunlight every day. Earth is round. Sky is blue. Everything proceeds in the most ordinary way. All questions have appropriate answers. Except a single question, MY single question, that I dared to ask myself about. WHO I AM? The answer should be simple: "I am Annie. I am 15 years old. I like drawing. I dance. I have two little sisters. I am a human.".
Every girl or a boy, or a woman, or a man gives a simple answer to so simple question every day. But nobody ever tried not to give an ordinary answer, kind of VC. Think it over. WHO YOU ARE? Everybody becomes more stereotyped, answering it the way I did in the beginning.
Well, I eat edible gold, that is what the special cakes are decorated with. I've got my tongue cropped ( that happened accidentally). I've got a stripe in the middle of my tummy, that does not tan at all! I do not agree with a stereotype, that lady should have blue eyes, blond curly hair and freckles. I see myself beautiful. When I was 8, my teeth were like chess desk, that's why I was able to put a straw in a hole between two of my front teeth and drink sour lemonade ( actually, it was my favorite soft drink) with closed mouth. I dance for a half of my entire life. I bite people, who do I like. I have never fell in love. I have got pretty special taste of music: I feel comfortable, I can calm down in a second, listening to some of my favourite rock bands (Muse, Imagine Dragons, Artic Monkeys, Alt-J), and I'm really disappointed, I can't find a place to stay for a moment, listening to Classical music, except one compositor - Ludovico Einaudi. I am keen on drawing, drawing people is my passion : transformate people's emotions, expectations, their hopes, lost hopes, broken dreams from real life into my own Imaginarium, paper life, using just a pen or watercolour and MY imagination. Everybody consists of features. I AM A BIG FEATURE.
I am a human, I am a girl, I am an artist, I am a dancer, I am alive.
Take a deep breath and continue living.
Do not give up, Annie!

среда, 21 сентября 2016 г.

As I had a whale of time, as the sunlight was damping with the drifting clouds dimming its brightness, I sluggishly crawled out of the alluring back sea. In a moment, I cought myself lost in thought about the sea's temperature: it was probably tenderer and more tepid last Christmas. I was increadibly dreaming about tongue sizzling coffee, as freezing blowing wind was tingling my already frozen, covered with sea salt, body. Bending down for a terry light-blue towel, already impregnated with water, I accidentally noticed an extremely bright flash, painted a whole world in light blue, merged with my same-coloured towel. Hundreds of tiny warm dribs started tickling my face, trickling off my curled salty hair. According to the moment, suddenly I understood, how important it was to me: to stay under a thousand liters of heavy water, where every petitte drib is separated from others, and do not feel the gravity. I lost myself in sweet dreams for several minutes: maybe 3 to 7 (I probably forgot). These minutes were equel to my one blinking, time has flown unbelievably fast. And sea's colour was changing right on my very eyes: from light blue to deep sapphirine. Pure tiny waves kept growing into the huge water giants, sweeping everything on its path. Wind was becoming stronger and stronger, and I was getting colder and colder, inspite of the warm, complitely moist air, which didn`t have enough time to cool down for time, raced by in a blur. The storm was gathering pace, whole sky was coloured by heavy rain clouds in deep grey, somewhere even in dark black, "What a wonderful picture would be taken! If only I had a camera right now!" - I suddenly thought, waving my head from side to side, curiously trying to catch a moment to stamp every single lightning. Believe me, I looked like a little five-year-old fantastically cuorious girl, who has watched a gorgeous purple flying elephant with pink wings and two tiny blue striped fins on its back for the first time in her entire existance!
In the next moment, a long, heartrending "meeooow", emited right from inside my stomach, interrupted me, and I instantly became hungry. A cherished claxon sound filled the whole street space. "My rescue! My sweet rescue!"- my inner voice shouted, as it was hardly even able not to shout it aloud. Next second I was standing over a " pancake van" - as I named this incresdible construction: a bike with a strange superstructure over it and a candent stove created a relatively complited picture of a special portable kitchen. Next second I've already stood over an divine pancake, (which was been cooked by golden arms), slowly inhaling its tantalizing smell!. " 20 buts, please." - man was trying to talk to a complitely drugged by a magic piece of pastry lady. "Young lady, let me take MY money, and, please, do not delay a queue!". I tryed to apologise for it, but noone could understand a greedily champing and extremely excited girl, making such a weird sounds!
 At 22:37 I was in my breezy moist bed. I covered myself with a whitish light as a feather and pure as a cotton blanket. I fell asleep at the same moment I touched a big fluffy pillow. That night was the first night I slept absolutely well, silently and peaceably snaffling since I've come that fantastic town.

среда, 7 сентября 2016 г.


7 September 2016

Dear Mary,
Thank you for your letter! Hope your teacher will prepare less tests for you! I`m proud of you that you`re studing hard.
As for me, I spent whole summer in Italy! By the way, it was completely awesome!  I`ve been to Venice and Naples, these places are absolutely worth seeing. According to them, Naples impressed me most of all because I`m keen on pizza and there is the oldest pizzeria in the world! Moreover, the hotel was designed lovely, it was a real cozy place.
What are your summer plans?Are you going to travel abroad?When will you finish your school?
I have to prepare for my exam.
Write soon.