четверг, 14 декабря 2017 г.

There are many different types of music in the world nowadays. Why do we need different music?

    Novadays we have an uncountanle amount of different types and directions of music. Some people prefer to listen to different kinds of music starting from classical and ending up with metal rock, they are called melomaniacs. However, there are also people who are fond of only one type of music, they are fans. A lot of years people are arguing about the need of music to be or not to be different. Consequently, the most conroversial question is why do we need different kinds of music?
 To start with, I am a part of the majority of people - melomaniacs. To be honest, my playlist contrasts with itself, as it is a store of the most different types of music. Moreover, I can explain it. People are still human-beings, that means that they have their own mood swings. So, we can find a proper song according to our mood. Frankly speaking, music itself plays a role of psychologist, while we are listening to the song or type of music, which fits our condition in the moment.
  According to different types of music, they constitute a huge musical heritage, that has been gathered by people of  all nations, countries, ages, centuries. And every single kind of music is a little, but important part of this treasure.

     However, there is a minority of people - people who consider only one type of music the most important. Furthermore, these fans create special "fandoms" according to the representative group of a certain kind. The do listent to it for their whole life and raise next generation on the basis of the "chosen" playlist. For example, fans of rock band "The Beatles"and Jazz singer Frank Sinatra gather a collection of vinyl records and enjoy the variety of their music. So they do not need different types of music.
     To sum up, every point of view is important. Some people are melomaniacs and some are loyal fans of only one type. However, we still need different kinds of music at least just not to be bored of listening to only one type on repeat.

четверг, 7 декабря 2017 г.

   "Every man's life lies within the present for the past is spent and done with and the future is uncertain."
   Nowadays it's a common knowledge, that it's impossible to turn back time. However, then why do people still try to live the life that is passed and done? Why do some of them dream about the future and forget about the present?
   We all are the prisoners of time. Time is the rule, the law, that we cannot break or not follow.          Indeed, the proccess of our life is sequential and non-refundable. Everything we can do is live the moment. However, there are some people, that are still living the past. That happens, when there was a trouble or a big change in someone's life span, after which a certain human just cannot keep on living normally. Consequently, people start to avoid every new change and try to assemble the life pieces as a puzzle. That may cause the terryfying effect - people forget about the present life and still pretend like nothing happened.
    Therefore, it can be said, that there are some kinds of  deviations from the normal process of life. First, as it was already said, the effect of  "living in the past" and the second effect is a bit more irresponsible - "living in the dream of a perfect future".
    First of all, "The Dreamers" are the people who created an idea of a perfect life. However, there is one  "but", which turnes everything inside out. That perfect life is going to be in the future, ever, maybe. Furthermore, the dreamers are still hoping for the better times to come and still not doing anything.The future is uncertain, but you can predict it with any movings forward to your dream.
   All in all, our life belongs to us only at this very moment. If you want to change enything or reach anything, the start is NOW.

суббота, 2 декабря 2017 г.

Word formation
There are different kinds of preffixes with the different meaning and some of them are used to change the form of word or the part of speech
anti-   anti-war; anti-national; antiseptic 
counter -   counterrevolution; counterwar;  contradict
dis- dissolve; disappear; disobey; discount; disreputable; dishandle; disbalance
ex-  ex-officer; ex-girlfriend; ex-worker
en- encircle; enlarge; enact; engage; enforce
fore- forefather; foreleg; foreknow; foresee
inter-  interaction; international; intercellar; inter-city; interdependent
non-  non-alcohol; non-understanding
sub-   sibtropical; subcontinental; subway; subhead; substitute
trans-   transcontinental; transmite; transaction
post-   post-scrip; post-university; post-childhood
pre-  precaution; prefix; preposition; pre-election
over-  overcook; overpay; overdone; over; overdress; oversleep
under-  undercook; underwear; underline
ir-  irreactive; irresponsible; irreplaceble; irrrelevant
im-  impation; immortality; immediate; immovable; impossible; immature
il-  illegal, illiterate; illogical
in- inactive; inhabitat; inaccurate; inexperienced; inattentive
un-   unmistakable; unemployment; unacceptable; unbelievable

среда, 29 ноября 2017 г.

Birds in their little nests agree.
c) If you want to be happy, you must live together in harmony.
This idiom recalls the importance of the peaceful co-living. To be honest, some people, especially children and teenagers, frequently fight majorly with each other. For instance, there is a story of a brother and a sister, who live together and often fight as well as we all did in the childhood.
Firstly, their morning starts from the arguing about who deserves to go to the bathroom first. Doubtless, the one who loses, starts a “real fight”. Consequently, it makes them count the “fight points” during the breakfast. The brother throws a piece of the toast in the plate of his sister.
 – Three - one!
-No, that doesn’t count! A quarter of the toast is out the plate!
The sister throws it back. As you can guess, parents of this little sweet couple are not satisfied by their behavior. Dad tries to be polite and share his wisdom with the children.
-         Birds in their little nests agree. Guys, you are old enough, this is not an “adult” behavior!
-         But dad! She calls me a name!
-         He took the bathroom first and threw his toast in my plate!
-         Guys, birds in their little nests agree, try to find the compromise. Have a good day, little chicks!

четверг, 16 ноября 2017 г.

 Nowadays it is hard to imagine our life without the Internet. In fact, literally every kind of information is now availiable in the electronic form. The Internet is a specific net of endless unique information sources, that connects people to people and people to the information. Despite the fact we all use the Net, everybody of us has a special number of "favorites" - sites, that we use every day.
 I would like to name my favorite site, that I find the most educative and do not consider it a waste of time.
 YouTube is a world-wide social net, the site. The main difference beetween YouTube and other sites is that YouTube has its own form of transmitting information - through the videos.
  As the Internet says, YouTube is the most popular site in the world. There are more than 1 billion people, who have an account in this social net! This is a seventh part of the whole popularity of Earth!
   Frankly speaking, absolutely everyone can find the information he is interested in. And if you want to find some kind of information, you definitely will. This site could be interesting for scientists, teachers and educators to ease the proccess of educating for their students. Also YouTube is popular between teenagers, bloggers and young musucians as the base for their creativity.
  Furthermore, YouTube contains every kind of video-interpretated information. Movies, musical clips, blogs, toturials, science works, educative videos - the list of sorts of videos is endless. Consequently, it is availiable to download every kind of these sourses of information through special programme.
   As for me, I am also a member of the YouTube society. If you are registered in the base, you can subscribe to the channel you recently watched in case not to miss the new video. I have my own profile on this site and post a video every two weeks, also I have 3500 followers on my channel.
   To be honest, YouTube is one of the most easy ways of transmitting the information from one person to the audience because of the complex of eye contact and audio speech. The concept of the site is "one - to many".
   YouTube contains the information from the physics science projects to the "cooking tutorial" in its base, so there are a giant number of topics of communication.
   All in all, YouTube is a special platform, which main feature is the possibility to earn a huge amount of money doing what you love! A lot of people are becoming popular every day because of YT! So if you want to become a popular blogger, to make a fortune and to have 100.000+ followers - then take a camera and sign up in YouTube base as soon as possible!

пятница, 3 ноября 2017 г.

Nowadays, we face the difficulties and make the decisions every day. Challenges surround us, and it’s is hardly even able to live the life without challenging yourself. Moreover, we can   dare ourselves to do something we haven’t ever done before or something that we cannot assure ourselves is important.
 To start with, some of us prefer challenging ourselves through sport competitions such as treks, mountain-tracking, cycling, swimming or climbing the mountain! If you are interested in that, Elbrus mountain is definitely you top! Elbrus is the highest mountain in Europe and not everybody can boast that he has reached it! Some people prefer watching sport movies such as “Iron Willy”, that explains the tough life of a man. 
Secondly, some people challenge theirselves through participating in some quizzes, such as  American Olympics, an American tv show, which presents the smartest people of America. 
However, some people are challenged by the fate, but not themselves. For instance, citizens of the village next to the volcano Vesuvius were super challenged by the molten lava, sliding down the mountain! That’s not a funny “challenge”, that is a serious life-challenging task, that not everyone is able to go through. 
Furthermore, there is a story about a man, who used to live in a fertile place, one day noticed that the soil started to become more and more dry every day. The days and months passed and the fertile place turned into a real desert, and can you imagine how much this man had challenged himself to handle it?
All in all, some of us challenge theirselves to become better, stronger, wiser and some people are forced to cope with the difficulties in their life by the case of the fate. In fact, we all need to raise ourselves on our own!

среда, 12 апреля 2017 г.

Chelyabinsk, Russia

12 April 2017

                  Dear Nadya,
      Thank you for your letter, it was an unexpected surprise for me! I am so glad you're doing well! Keep on! 
       Hope your library is rich, because I want to introduce you a book I've started reading recently. By the way, the author is really well-known all over the world, his speciality are horrors and creepy novels. Didn't get yet? Stephen King is one of my favorite authors! Moreover, his books are full of human fear and you can literally hear creepy sounds! The book is "The body, it is a narrative about and old town, where the murder has been committed. Indeed, the detective begins with the groop of young boys, who had found a corpse and started the investigation. Oh, I don't want to tell you a whole story, just read it on your own and feel the same I felt while reading it!
      Sorry, I promised my mum to help her with washing up. 
      Write back soon!

понедельник, 3 апреля 2017 г.

       Новая методика работы с материалом "перевернутый класс" открывает бесконечные возможности всего простора интернета, подручных средств, словарей и, конечно, человеческого мозга. В данной системе учитель выступает не в роли "проповедника", которого слушает и безоговорочно внимает каждый ученик, а в роли куратора, ведущего определенный курс. К примеру, если в самых обыкновенных школах учителя могут быть строгими, грубыми или, наоборот, слишком добрыми и щедрыми, то в случае "перевернутого класса" проблем с отношениями возникнуть не может. Перевернутый класс имеет свойство самостоятельной работы: ученик сам выбирает, что и как ему искать, открывает новые возможности и ресурсы, список которых в данном случае не ограничен. Этот вид работы очень продуктивен и, я бы сказала, даже более продуктивен, чем обыкновенные уроки в школах. Перевернутый класс - самостоятельный выбор учащегося. Это позволяет ученику не только обучаться самостоятельно, но и приобретать навыки собственного выбора, самостоятельности и ответственности за свои знания.

среда, 15 марта 2017 г.

      Nowadays, technologies are being more and more developed every single day. In addition, technologies improve and become so simple, that near everyone can use it. There are several spheres, where improved technologies are already introduced: design, society, science, conviniences, even nature!
     First of all, It’s quite interesting to consider that not only technologies improve today. More and more new tendencies and trends are found in fashion nowadays. Moreover, I’d rather describe fashion like something educational and unique, but at the same time taught and time-consuming. Tanya thought back to when she had first picked up a needle and thread. Her grandmother, had made most of her own clothes and when Tanya was very small she had loved to watch her cutting the cloth and stitching it together with meticulous skill. Bit by bit, under her grandmother's careful instruction, she had learned the craft herself. She had started with simple outfits for her dolls and had progressed to the point where even her grandmother said she was much better than her at making clothes.
Have you ever use airplane as a vehicle? If so, you've faced at least once the long time of waiting your flight. Capsule hotels are very popular in Japan. It's the accommodation of choice for Japanese businessmen who have missed the last flight back to the suburbs, or for travellers on a tight budget. They consist of tiny sleeping compartments about 2 metres long, 1 metre high and 1 metre wide. Conviniences - improved!
Besides, supermarket isn`t just simple store, as we think. There are a lot of trategies to lure you into purchasing items you had no inention of buying, including smell of freshly baked bread, which make you feel hungry.
        Looking forwad, imagine 2118 year, when  people are complitely crazy about getting benefits and thinking about waste and profit in everything. For imstance, businessmen do not see beauty in rain anymore, they are just obsessed with wasting water while raining. Is it a pity? It is!
        All in all, new methods, strategies and tactics are being applied and introduces in the modern time. Should we follow the changes, or just live on our own?

воскресенье, 5 марта 2017 г.

      In the modern time, people are getting more and more concerned about the environment issue. "Green Fonds", altruists and people, who care about nature and the fauna against the businessmen, poachers and people, who are convinced that every environmental problem is not influenced by us and is not connected with the humanity. 
     To begin with, one of the most "hot" topics, which people are concerned with, is the Global Warming. Moreover, this environmental issue causes many disappointing questions, which often don't have appropriate answers, because sometimes nature disasters and environmental problems are not influenced by us. By the way, temperarure increases for approximately one degree, spring occurs nine-ten days earlier, the sea ice melts and breaks. Who do suffer from all this disaster? Animals! However, all we can do - safe them!
       " Save The Whales" is a protest against the whale killers. Moreovere, tens of thousands whales are being killed all over he world by nations. That has caused a big protest, which was influenced Payne- the most popular discoverer, who decided to save the population of big blue animals and to release a recording of long and haunting humpback whale songs, the main thing is - it really works! Furthemore, the population of whales wasn't decrease for last several years! Everyone finds his own way to save the world!
      Someone wants to destroy natural disasters and prevent it, but someone actually protests against the government, who wants to clean the place, where one of nature disasters occured. Behind, The Valley of Geysers is a popular unique place where five world-famous hot spring are located. Sadly, this natural miracle was obliterated by the landslide in 2007. Citizens of Kamchatka protested against the government decision to get rid of all dirt what appeared there. By the way, people there thought it was a gret example of embracing nature and people.
       To conclusion, everyone values and cares about the nature in his own way.  For instance, american stormchaser makes his life by capturing Tornadoes in photographs or record them on video.
       All in all, take care aafer nature, appreciate what nature gives us and not destroy, but respect all natural benefits!

вторник, 28 февраля 2017 г.

       Nowadays, there are people and people, families and families and it's hardly even able to find several people with the same tastes and styles of writing. Frankly speaking, writing essays is the most efficient way to maintain imagination, find own style of writing and learn new ways of sharing the information. In the modern time, the main part of students have to write essays as a hometask at school. Literature is not the only subject, which requires satisfactory quality of knowlege and good way of sharing it. Moreover, English as an extra learning language at school, requires the same characteristics as literature for students. However, some students prefer writing essays in Russian to writing in English, and some students find writing essays in English easier, than in their native language.
      On the one hand, writing in native language is easier for people, who don't learn an extra language and for journalists, who write articles and novels. To be honest, writing in native language allows to express more emotions, give more arguments and make more constructive and bright words, because we usually use these words to communicate in our lives, it is just habitually for us. Moreover, every of us faces the problem of translating words from English to Russian, because sometimes there is no right translation for a special word. That's why rarely some translated sentences don't make sence.
     On the other hand, writing essays in English is one of the most important ways of improving language skills. Instead of writing a special essay in Russian, write it in English and then translate it to Russian. From time to time, it is easier to write something in English because writing essasys in English usually doesn't require deep arguments as, for instance, Russian Literature as a subject requires. Anyway, writing not in native language is always an experience of improving skills and making lexicon richer, and maybe, its more efficient for students.
     All in all, every side of opinion is the right side. We are diffrent, and every of us has own taste and style of writing. But the easiest way of writing essays is to write it in both languages! Care about your future career - write correct and diversely.

суббота, 21 января 2017 г.

1)  I asked Sasha if she was a student and she answered she was.
2) I asked Evgenii when he was born and he answered he was born in 1996.
3) I asked Peter where he lived and he answered he lived in Chelyabinsk.
4) I asked Kate if she married him and she answered she didn't.
5) I asked Nadya how she spent her holidays and she answered she spent it with her family.
6) I asked Arina who she was on last Friday with and she answered she was with her friends.
7) I asked Liza what happened when it was morning and she answered that the sun rose.
8) I asked Sonya what she would do if she got a salary and she answered she woud buy  car and brilliants.
9) I asked Kirill Vladislavovich what he would change if he could turn back time and he answered he would kill Gitler.
10) I asked Maksim Sergeevich what he would have done if he had had an opportunity to change his job two years ago and he answered he would not have taken the chance.