суббота, 2 декабря 2017 г.

Word formation
There are different kinds of preffixes with the different meaning and some of them are used to change the form of word or the part of speech
anti-   anti-war; anti-national; antiseptic 
counter -   counterrevolution; counterwar;  contradict
dis- dissolve; disappear; disobey; discount; disreputable; dishandle; disbalance
ex-  ex-officer; ex-girlfriend; ex-worker
en- encircle; enlarge; enact; engage; enforce
fore- forefather; foreleg; foreknow; foresee
inter-  interaction; international; intercellar; inter-city; interdependent
non-  non-alcohol; non-understanding
sub-   sibtropical; subcontinental; subway; subhead; substitute
trans-   transcontinental; transmite; transaction
post-   post-scrip; post-university; post-childhood
pre-  precaution; prefix; preposition; pre-election
over-  overcook; overpay; overdone; over; overdress; oversleep
under-  undercook; underwear; underline
ir-  irreactive; irresponsible; irreplaceble; irrrelevant
im-  impation; immortality; immediate; immovable; impossible; immature
il-  illegal, illiterate; illogical
in- inactive; inhabitat; inaccurate; inexperienced; inattentive
un-   unmistakable; unemployment; unacceptable; unbelievable

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