четверг, 14 декабря 2017 г.

There are many different types of music in the world nowadays. Why do we need different music?

    Novadays we have an uncountanle amount of different types and directions of music. Some people prefer to listen to different kinds of music starting from classical and ending up with metal rock, they are called melomaniacs. However, there are also people who are fond of only one type of music, they are fans. A lot of years people are arguing about the need of music to be or not to be different. Consequently, the most conroversial question is why do we need different kinds of music?
 To start with, I am a part of the majority of people - melomaniacs. To be honest, my playlist contrasts with itself, as it is a store of the most different types of music. Moreover, I can explain it. People are still human-beings, that means that they have their own mood swings. So, we can find a proper song according to our mood. Frankly speaking, music itself plays a role of psychologist, while we are listening to the song or type of music, which fits our condition in the moment.
  According to different types of music, they constitute a huge musical heritage, that has been gathered by people of  all nations, countries, ages, centuries. And every single kind of music is a little, but important part of this treasure.

     However, there is a minority of people - people who consider only one type of music the most important. Furthermore, these fans create special "fandoms" according to the representative group of a certain kind. The do listent to it for their whole life and raise next generation on the basis of the "chosen" playlist. For example, fans of rock band "The Beatles"and Jazz singer Frank Sinatra gather a collection of vinyl records and enjoy the variety of their music. So they do not need different types of music.
     To sum up, every point of view is important. Some people are melomaniacs and some are loyal fans of only one type. However, we still need different kinds of music at least just not to be bored of listening to only one type on repeat.

четверг, 7 декабря 2017 г.

   "Every man's life lies within the present for the past is spent and done with and the future is uncertain."
   Nowadays it's a common knowledge, that it's impossible to turn back time. However, then why do people still try to live the life that is passed and done? Why do some of them dream about the future and forget about the present?
   We all are the prisoners of time. Time is the rule, the law, that we cannot break or not follow.          Indeed, the proccess of our life is sequential and non-refundable. Everything we can do is live the moment. However, there are some people, that are still living the past. That happens, when there was a trouble or a big change in someone's life span, after which a certain human just cannot keep on living normally. Consequently, people start to avoid every new change and try to assemble the life pieces as a puzzle. That may cause the terryfying effect - people forget about the present life and still pretend like nothing happened.
    Therefore, it can be said, that there are some kinds of  deviations from the normal process of life. First, as it was already said, the effect of  "living in the past" and the second effect is a bit more irresponsible - "living in the dream of a perfect future".
    First of all, "The Dreamers" are the people who created an idea of a perfect life. However, there is one  "but", which turnes everything inside out. That perfect life is going to be in the future, ever, maybe. Furthermore, the dreamers are still hoping for the better times to come and still not doing anything.The future is uncertain, but you can predict it with any movings forward to your dream.
   All in all, our life belongs to us only at this very moment. If you want to change enything or reach anything, the start is NOW.

суббота, 2 декабря 2017 г.

Word formation
There are different kinds of preffixes with the different meaning and some of them are used to change the form of word or the part of speech
anti-   anti-war; anti-national; antiseptic 
counter -   counterrevolution; counterwar;  contradict
dis- dissolve; disappear; disobey; discount; disreputable; dishandle; disbalance
ex-  ex-officer; ex-girlfriend; ex-worker
en- encircle; enlarge; enact; engage; enforce
fore- forefather; foreleg; foreknow; foresee
inter-  interaction; international; intercellar; inter-city; interdependent
non-  non-alcohol; non-understanding
sub-   sibtropical; subcontinental; subway; subhead; substitute
trans-   transcontinental; transmite; transaction
post-   post-scrip; post-university; post-childhood
pre-  precaution; prefix; preposition; pre-election
over-  overcook; overpay; overdone; over; overdress; oversleep
under-  undercook; underwear; underline
ir-  irreactive; irresponsible; irreplaceble; irrrelevant
im-  impation; immortality; immediate; immovable; impossible; immature
il-  illegal, illiterate; illogical
in- inactive; inhabitat; inaccurate; inexperienced; inattentive
un-   unmistakable; unemployment; unacceptable; unbelievable